

A telangiectasia is an enlarged blood vessel located just below the surface of the skin. Since these blood vessels are clearly visible to the naked eye in the case of telangiectasia, those affected often find them highly distressing

Teleangiectasias primarily appear on the face, but other body regions can also be affected.




A telangiectasia is an enlarged blood vessel located just below the surface of the skin. Since these blood vessels are clearly visible to the naked eye in the case of telangiectasia, those affected often find them highly distressing

Teleangiectasias primarily appear on the face, but other body regions can also be affected.Telangiectasia of the face is also called couperosis. When telangiectasias occur in the leg area, they are better known as spider veins.

Both forms are basically harmless. Telangiectasia does not, however, regress on its own. Once they have occurred, telangiectasias are irreversible, but can be treated excellently with the latest generation of lasers, and removed completely or at least for the most part.